办公电话: | 电子邮件: mmdou@jiuzhangkeji.com.cn |
通讯地址:北京市海淀区上园村3号北京交通大学 | 邮编👨🏿🌾:100044 |
2016.9-2022.4 北京交通大学土木建筑工程杏悦 土木工程(市政工程方向)博士
2024.06-至今 杏悦 -《杏悦智享科技,乐无穷尽】 讲师
2022.06-2024.05 杏悦 -《杏悦智享科技,乐无穷尽】 师资博士后
083000 环境科学与工程-环境科学
083000 环境科学与工程-环境工程
085701 环境工程(专业学位)
99J2 交通能源与环境工程
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金🚣🏿♂️,Co-Ti协同活化低剂量过硫酸盐处理地表水中氟化液晶单体性能和脱氟降解机制,2025-2027🤠,主持;
[2] 河北省自然科学基金青年基金,双金属协同催化过硫酸盐降解焦化废水中多环芳烃的效能和裂解机制,2024-2026,主持👩🏽🌾🆖;
[3] 北京市重点实验室开放基金,可见光催化氮化碳协同耦合过硫酸盐体系典型抗生素分子供给/掠夺机制💵,2023-2024,主持;
[4] 中央高校基本科研业务费🥶,可见光下氮化碳活化过硫酸盐降解β-内酰胺类抗生素机制研究,2023-2024🪺,主持;
[5] 国家重点研发计划,川藏铁路重点专项👙,川藏铁路工程全生命周期资源环境成本及绿色效益研究,2021-2024⛹🏻,科研骨干🪵;
[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目🗝,基于改性石墨相氮化碳调控的二维纳米材料复合膜特性及其抗污染机制𓀒,2022-2025🏄🏿♂️,科研骨干💂;
[7] 国家标准物质检测中心,土壤监控样重金属提取态协作定值与均匀性检验,2018-2019,科研骨干;
[8] 国家标准物质检测中心,地下水标准物质定值分析👰🏼,2018-2019👩🦽,科研骨干🦔;
[9] 山东省科技厅🦹🏽♀️,济南市环境研究院污水中抗性基因监测服务,2018-2019,科研骨干🦘;
[1] 建筑给水排水工程👘,本科课程,32学时;
[2] 碳中和科学与技术,本科课程,32学时;
[3] 物理性污染控制,本科课程,48学时👨👨👦;
[4] 高级催化材料前沿技术进展🖋,研究生课程。
[1] Dou M M, Wang J*, Gao B R, et al. Photocatalytic difference of amoxicillin and cefotaxime under visible light by mesoporous g-C3N4: Mechanism, degradation pathway and DFT calculation [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 383: 123134. (中科院1区, IF=15.1), (ESI Highly Cited Paper, >1%)
[2] Dou M M,
Wang J*, Ma Z K. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of electrons
donated by pollutants in electron transfer-based oxidation system:
electrochemical measurement and theoretical calculations. Journal of
Hazardous Materials, 2024, 473:134720 (中科院1区,
[3] Dou M M, Wang J*, Gao B R, et al. A novel in-situ chemical
oxidation channel–Selective pH-dependence of refractory β-lactam antibiotics in
the synergistic mechanism of persulfate and g-C3N4 under
visible light [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 394:
124899. (中科院1区, IF=15.1)
[4] Dou M M, Wang J*, Gao B R. Origins of selective differential
oxidation of β-lactam antibiotics with different structure in an efficient
visible-light driving mesoporous g-C3N4 activated
persulfate synergistic mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials,
2022, 426: 128111 (中科院1区, IF=13.6)
[5] Han C, Wang J*, Dou M M*, Huo K L, et al. Ultrafast flowing oxidation reactions in the CoTiO3/TiO2 heterojunction assembled on ceramic membranes: Properties and electron shuttle mechanism. Separation and Purification Technology, 2025, 354: 129175 (中科院1区, IF=8.1, Corresponding author)
[6] Gao B R1, Dou
M M1, Wang J*, et al. Efficient persulfate activation by carbon
defects g-C3N4 containing electron traps for the
removal of antibiotics, resistant bacteria and genes [J]. Chemical
Engineering Journal, 2021,421: 131677. (中科院1区, IF=15.1, Co-first
[7] Gao B R1, Dou M M1, Wang J*, et al.
Effect of carbon nitride synthesized by different modification strategies on
the performance of carbon nitride/PVDF photocatalytic composite membranes
[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 422: 126877. (中科院1区,
IF=13.6, Co-first author)
[8] Wang J1*, Dou M M1, Wang X Y, Gao B
R. Synergetic mechanism of defective g-C3N4 activated
persulfate on removal of antibiotics and resistant bacteria: ROSs
transformation, Electron transfer and Noncovalent interaction, Chemosphere,
2022,294💡:133741. (中科院2区,
IF=8.8, Co-first author)
[9] Gao B R, Wang J*, Dou M M, et al. Novel nitrogen-rich g-C3N4 with
adjustable energy band by introducing triazole ring for Cefotaxime removal
[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 241:
116576. (中科院1区, IF=8.6)
[10] Wang J*, Gao B R, Dou M M, et al. A porous g-C3N4 nanosheets
containing nitrogen defects for enhanced photocatalytic removal meropenem:
mechanism, degradation pathway and DFT calculation [J]. Environmental
Research, 2020, 184:109339. (中科院2区, IF=8.3)
[11] Gao B R, Wang J*, Dou M M, et al. Enhanced photocatalytic
removal of amoxicillin with Ag/TiO2/mesoporous g-C3N4 under
visible light: property and mechanistic studies [J]. Environmental
Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27 (7): 7025-7039. (中科院3区,
[12] Xu C, Wang J*, Gao B R, Dou M M, et al. Synergistic
adsorption and visible-light catalytic degradation of RhB from recyclable 3D
mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride/reduced graphene oxide aerogels [J]. Journal
of Materials Science, 2019, 54 (12): 8892-8906. (中科院3区,
[13] Yang F, Wang J*, Liang Z H, Dou M M, et al.
Self-cleaning, antimicrobial and antifouling membrane via integrating
mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride into polyvinylidene fluoride [J]. Journal
of Membrane Science, 2020, 606: 118146. (中科院1区,
[14] Huo K L, Wang J*, Zhuang T, Zhao Y Q, Gao B R, Dou M M, et
al. Facile fabrication of recyclable and macroscopic D-g-C3N4/sodium
alginates/non-woven fabric immobilized photocatalysts with enhanced
photocatalytic activity and antibacterial performance [J]. Journal
of Materials Science, 2021, 56: 17584–17600. (中科院3区,
[1] D-g-C3N4可见光催化材料的制备方法及应用,中国,ZL 201910899432.3
[2] N-g-C3N4可见光催化材料制备方法及应用☕️,中国,ZL201910841017.2
[3] M-g-C3N4/rGOA复合吸附可见光催化材料的制备方法及应用🙊🙋🏿♀️,中国🧑🌾,ZL 201910222976.6
[1] 北京市科学技术奖🙋🏻♂️,科技进步二等奖,中国💈,2023🤽🏻♂️,2/10
[2] 中国发明协会创业奖创新奖,一等奖👷♂️,中国,2022,2/6
[3] 北京市优秀毕业生,北京市教委👩👩👦🤡,中国,2022年,1/1
[4] 华北五省市区环境科学学会第二十二届学术年会🤾♀️,优秀论文二等奖,北京环境科学学会👨🏼🎓,中国💳,20214️⃣,1/1
[5] 国家奖学金,教育部🫳🏼,中国,2016,1/1